Well...I must begin sometime. The kids are giving me a hard time for not posting anything.
I just turn on the blog and listen to the music I like, look at the picture of my wonderful family and balance the checkbook, but I guess more is required than that when you are in the "blog" mode:)
It's a new year and time to raise the bar in my life and one of those ways is to "Just Do It" -(Thanks to Britney who reminded me that this should be EVERYONE'S New Year's resolution!)
The best part about the new year for me, (being a pretty "blue" personality), is to ORGANIZE!! I love seeing how I can simplify my life, do things quicker, and relieve stresses. I thought I never succeeded because I do this every year...in the same areas, but I realized today that I get closer to my goal every year. My biggest flaw has to be that I am a bit impatient, especially with myself. I want success in all I do, and I want it done NOW!
My New Year's resolution should be revised a little. I think instead it should be "line upon line", giving myself some time to achieve my goals.
So here goes...I AM going to DO IT...just one step at a time! :)