Monday, March 16, 2009

Being a mother is the Best

I am such a "Mother Hen," I need my baby chicks around me to feel at peace:)
The problem is...most of them have "flown the coop!"
Saturday I was driving down a semi-country road and Megan and I noticed something large and black in the middle of the road. Was it a dog? NO. Was it a man? NO. A tire that got loose? Heavens NO!! It was a 30# turkey!!!! And it was NOT happy when I honked at him to direct his way to one side or another of the road. His feathers ruffled and he gave a loud "gobble," threw back his head and he became the perfect picture of a live Thanksgiving turkey.
I was worried for this bird, so I stopped and blasted on the horn several times so the owner of the "farm" would see that not only had his prize turkey escaped, but the other (not-so-pretty), turkeys and a dozen chickens were jumping up and down with glee as each one realized the prison gates had fallen and they were ALL free. I could picture in my mind's eye the very humorous cartoon Walt Disney would have created with this scene!
This all happened in under 2 minutes, and then I went on my merry way. When I returned home 30 minutes later they were all safely gathered in.:)

The scene actually made me think of many things. First, how fun to live in an area where turkeys roam wild, (although this one happened to be home-grown), and how one minute I am surrounded by farm country and in ten minutes in be in the midst of a large city.
Second, how grateful I was to SEE the turkey before I hit it!
And pitiful it was that my life was very parallel to that barnyard:)
I tried to keep all my little chicks safe & loved while they were home, trying to teach them everything they needed to know before going out into the world. I hated to see them leave, but the minute the gate was open each were SO eager to run into the street and experience the world! I could not, and did not want to stop them. They had to learn for themselves that there are honking idiots out there, and the pavement wasn't as soft as the coop, and feed wasn't as easy to find. The best part is that they all have done so well. They all found their way home (so to speak...their own homes:), and although life is still crazy at times, I still feel at peace knowing they are creating their own safe coops and I have done my best.

Next week Justin will be married, we will add one more to the flock and I will get to squeeze and hug them and put them under my wing, even if for a minute.
Being a mother is the BEST!